Building a lean, strong physique doesn’t have to consume your life!
You see — This site was made for regular people who are looking to get in great shape. Not for those seeking to build the physique of bodybuilders on steroids.
Often, at the beginning of our fitness journey, we initially strive to build a physique that’s relatively lean and muscular. Somewhere along the way, however, we have our goals shift…
The Distortions of The Fitness Industry and Social Media
Suddenly, the influence of the fitness industry and social media takes hold of our minds and convinces us that, what we originally thought was, “great shape” isn’t enough. What we fail to realize, when this happens, is that the new goal (that ultra-shredded, big bodybuilder look) given to us is often unsustainable and even unobtainable for the average person who doesn’t take performance enhancing drugs (PEDs).
Many get trapped in the cycle of being a hamster on a wheel, taking advice from people who lie to them in order to get them to buy their courses, supplements, and give away their most valuable asset of all — their attention!
I wish to put an end to that!
My Mission
My mission is to help bring you back to why you are, or were, interested in health & fitness in the first place and show you that building a physique that looks great, in and out of clothes, is within the realm of possibility. Not only that, but that building a great physique can be done even if you’re a busy person with a life!
Showing you how to build a great physique naturally is only half the battle of my mission here…
My ultimate mission is to help you feel comfortable in your own skin. Thanks to social media and ridiculous fitness standards, body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is more common than EVER BEFORE. What good is having a good physique if you’re still haunted by lingering insecurity? The answer — not so great… Thus much of my content will not only be geared towards helping you get in great shape, but also helping you develop a healthy relationship with eating and fitness.
What You’ll Learn and be Getting from This Blog…
On this site, you’ll learn everything you need to know about nutrition, training, and adopting the perfect strategies to suit YOUR lifestyle…
After years of trial and error, trying to get in excellent physical shape but having nutrition and training consume my life in the process, I’ve finally cracked the code to getting lean and muscular while still being able to have a life.
What good is having a great physique if you’re a slave to the gym after all? What good is being lean if you’re starving all the time? In short, having a great physique isn’t worth it, if it requires you to sacrifice a great deal of the limited time we have on this Earth…
Ready to learn how to make health & fitness enhance your life instead of totally consuming it?
Check out some of these articles to begin your journey towards freedom and prosperity in your health & fitness journey: